The Delaware State Police Museum

The Delaware State Police Museum is dedicated to preserving the rich history of the Delaware State Police and honoring the sacrifice of those troopers who died in the performance of their duties. The Museum houses an extensive collection of artifacts and displays, as well as several antique vehicles.
The facility is open to the public and is free of charge. While the Museum is a self-guided tour, a representative is available on-site to provide additional information and guidance. Please visit the DSP Museum website here.
The Museum is an independent 501C3 charitable organization that owns and operates the museum facility. In order to maintain and operate its facility, the Museum relies on donations from its supporters and the general public. Contributions can be made payable to Delaware State Police Museum, Inc. Donations and correspondence should be addressed to:
DSP Museum
P.O. Box 430
Dover, Delaware 19903-0430
Thanks in advance for your support of this worthy cause.